Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people choose Prestige Booths?

Our clients tend to choose us as they are seeking a high quality, reliable and professional service, which is what we pride ourselves on, here at Prestige Booths.

Do I have to pay a deposit to secure my booking?

Yes, you will be required to pay a minimum deposit of £50 to secure your booking. 

Can I pay more than the £50 deposit if I prefer?

Yes, £50 is the minimum deposit required, but you can opt to pay more than this if you choose to. So, whether you would rather pay half of the event fee or even the full amount at the booking stage that is up to you.

If I pay more than a £50 deposit and cancel more than 7 days before the event to provide sufficient notice, will my whole deposit be non-refundable?

No, the holding deposit is a compulsory £50, so anything paid above this will be returned to you in full, providing the cancellation is communicated to us more than 7 days before the event.

How far in advance can I secure a booking date with Prestige Booths?

You can book your event up to 6 months in advance after paying your deposit.

Do you offer recommend a friend bonuses?

Yes, the referrer and referred will both be entitled to a 10% discount. To qualify, the referred client will have to provide the booking email used by the client that referred them, for us to validate the claim.

What are your product dimensions?

Selfie Pods- 1.62m (H) x 0.47m (W)

Oval Photo Booths: 2.0m (H) x 2.3m (L) x 1.3m (D)

Can you accommodate customisations?

Yes, we provide customisation options such as logo, text, colour, background drops and green screens. Just kindly reach out to us with your preferences, and we will try our best to accommodate.